31 Eco-Friendly Home Tips: How to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle

Eco-Friendly Home Tips

Living a sustainable lifestyle can be difficult, but it’s definitely worth it! 

If you’re looking for some eco-friendly home tips to help you get started, you’ve come to the right place. 

Our lives are inextricably linked, and the world around us is affected by the decisions we make. 

The impact we’re having on the planet is undeniable, from our daily routines to how we care for ourselves and our families. 

We encourage you to take stock of your current habits and consider whether or not you are living your life in an eco-friendly way. 

Did you know that just 40% of Americans use eco-friendly and sustainable products every day? 

Fortunately, over ¾ want to learn how to live more sustainably. 

People have started facing facts because of concerns about climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss in ecosystems; therefore many individuals have begun transitioning towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

With the biggest overall concerns being climate change, pollution, and loss of biodiversity in the ecosystem, more people have started to face the music and transition to a more sustainable lifestyle. 


31 Eco-Friendly Home Tips

31 Eco-Friendly Home Tips to Help You Live More Sustainably

You don’t have to break the bank to help reduce your carbon footprint and be more environmentally friendly. 

In fact, there are simple lifestyle changes that you can make in order to both save money and promote a healthier planet! 

Consider cutting out middlemen when appropriate – this means avoiding purchasing items with multiple layers of packaging; it also encourages self-sufficiency by doing things on your own instead of purchasing services or extra products. 

Additionally, opt for durable goods over disposable ones whenever possible as they will last longer and require less energy throughout their lifecycle – saving not only resources but ultimately cash too!

This post outlines the top 31 eco-friendly home tips that you can follow to make your home more environmentally friendly while living a more sustainable lifestyle.


Energy-Tips to Improve Energy Efficiency

Energy: Tips to Improve Energy Efficiency

Living sustainably goes beyond remembering to bring reusable bags and water bottles with you; it also means examining your energy consumption. 

Conserving energy has numerous benefits, like decreasing our reliance on fossil fuels while cutting costs – saving the planet and money simultaneously! 

Though reducing your use of electricity or gas can feel daunting, there are plenty of simple ways to get started quickly. 

From switching off lights when leaving a room to replacing old appliances with more efficient models that regulate temperatures better- here are some easy tips for making an impact today!

1. Install a Smart Thermostat

Kick your home up a notch with the installation of a programmable thermostat! 

As well as providing control and convenience, you can benefit from energy cost savings. 

With smart scheduling capabilities, your HVAC will run less while nobody’s at home so you’re never wasting electricity – creating an eco-friendly environment for yourself and those around you. 

Plus, why not turn it on right before family members arrive; ensuring that everyone comes back to comfortable 72° temperatures when they walk through the door?

How much can you expect to save? 

Different manufacturers tout different levels of savings, but the Nest smart thermostat claims you’ll save 15 percent on cooling costs and 10 to 12 percent on heating costs. 

The manufacturers of the Ecobee smart thermostat claim customers save 23 percent on combined heating and cooling costs.

2. Switch to LED Light Bulbs

Lighting accounts for about 9 percent of a typical home’s energy use. 

Swap out traditional incandescent light bulbs in your home for LEDs and reduce energy consumption, along with shrinking the environmental impact of lighting. 

Not only do ENERGY STAR-rated LEDs use up to 75% less electricity than their counterparts but they last 25 times longer too! 

For households that experience hot summer months, another bonus is that LED lights emit much lower levels of heat compared to regular bulbs – reducing how hard air conditioners have to work which can result in additional savings on utility bills. 

With a multitude of shapes and sizes available today such as dimmable switches or recessed fittings, it has never been easier (or more cost-effective)to upgrade an entire dwelling’s lighting system at minimal expense.

3. Turf Off the Lights

To save energy and reduce your electricity bill, remember to switch off the lights whenever you leave a room.

Remember to switch off the lights when you leave a room or your home—doing so can shave precious energy from your bills, especially if incandescent light bulbs are in use. 

Incandescents may offer soft illumination but they’re incredibly inefficient: 90% of their electrical input is converted into heat instead of light! 

So get into the habit of double-checking that those switches don’t stay ‘on’ any longer than necessary – it could make all the difference in future electricity costs.

To save energy at home, turning off halogen and CFL lights when not in use is key. 

By implementing the small change of turning off halogen and fluorescent lights when not in use, you can be sure to see a decrease in your energy bill. 

Halogens should be turned off when not in use since they operate with similar technology as incandescent light bulbs.

For CFLs specifically, if you’re away from home for more than 15 minutes it’s best practice to turn those off as that will help extend their lifetime.

LED bulbs remain unaffected by on/off cycles – making them an ideal choice for at-home energy conservation efforts!

You can also utilize sensors that can help switch them on and off automatically and turn their full brightness instantly.

4. Wash Your Clothes in Cold Water

Did you know that using the cold water setting on your washing machine can have an amazing environmental impact? 

According to Energy Star, up to 90% of the energy used in a standard wash cycle is from heating the water – and by switching it off entirely you could save up to 1,600 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions each year. 

Not only are you doing good for our planet, but also preserving brighter colors in your garments as hot temperatures deteriorate fabrics quickly! 

Unless there’s something tough like oil stains at hand which requires hotter washes (in this case warm might do), make sure to use just cold when possible.

No need for those extra bills or greenhouse gases released into Earth’s atmosphere.

5. Dry Laundry on a Clothesline

Taking advantage of the sun’s warm rays can save you bundles in energy bills! 

According to the EPA, line-drying your clothing and bedding outdoors instead of using an electric dryer cuts household appliance energy costs by up to one-third. 

That’s right – the EPA has found that dryers use more electricity than refrigerators, washers, and dishwashers combined!

And with the summer months comes the perfect time for hanging those clothes outside – breezy days make it all the more pleasant. 

You may even find yourself looking forward to washing day!

Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint but taking care when drying ensures softness, freshness, and a longer life span too! 

If outdoor space is limited then why not install a vertical rack on your balcony or terrace? 

Open windows accelerate airflow which helps break down bacteria while leaving laundry smelling invigoratingly fresh and natural.

6. Install Energy Efficient Windows

If your house still has old drafty units that are more than 15 years old, it is time to consider a window replacement project to improve the thermal performance of your home.

Choose your windows wisely to ensure maximum comfort and energy efficiency! 

All modern Energy Star-rated units are double or triple-glazed to ensure a significant boost in energy efficiency and provide extra comfort.

According to Ecoline, Canadian window replacement experts, two values – R-value and U-value – provide insight into how well a window performs as an insulator.

  • R-value is an insulative value that determines how well a window performs as an insulator, with higher values indicative of better insulators.
  • U-value which shows the amount of heat loss. The lower the U-value, the better the insulating properties of your windows.

Opting for double or triple-glazed units can have a significant impact on your insulation performance.

Most double-pane windows have an R-value of 3–3.8, while triple-paned units typically come with an R-value of 5+ that increases their heat-blocking capabilities by up 50%.

Changing your old windows with a modern double or triple-glazed solution, you can expect a significant drop in annual energy bills while enjoying warm in winter and cool in summer.

7. Switch to Energy-Efficient Appliances

Investing in Energy Star appliances is a great way to make your home more sustainable.

These products have been independently verified to use less water and energy than conventional models, so you’ll get increased durability compared to standard versions, as well as reduced utility bills in the long run.

Investing in an Energy Star appliance may cost more upfront but will end up rewarding you handsomely over time due to its durability, environmental friendliness, and savings on utility bills.

Take washing machines for instance: an Energy Star appliance uses half of what a regular washer does when it comes to both power and water consumption! 

Make adopting sustainable living easier by considering these efficient options during your next home upgrade.

8. Install Solar Panels

Solar panel technology is becoming more advanced and more efficient by the day, making investing in solar a viable solution for many people. 

Installing solar panels is an excellent way to make your home more eco-friendly and energy efficient. 

Not only will you be helping the environment by reducing emissions and greenhouse gases, but you’ll also have the added bonus of potentially lowering energy bills and generating your own sustainable source of power. 

Using solar energy reduces reliance on non-renewable sources, meaning a cleaner and more secure future. 

Additionally, solar panel installation can provide long-term savings from lower energy bills and prevent extensive carbon emissions from being released into the atmosphere during the burning of coal or other fossil fuels that produce electricity. 

There are also various tax incentives available in some states for homeowners who install solar energy systems. 

All these reasons make it easy to see why installing solar panels is a great way to make your home more eco-friendly and improve its sustainability.

9. Insulate Your Home Properly

Insulating your home properly is a great way to reduce your impact on the environment while also saving money on energy bills. 

Inadequate insulation causes energy to escape through walls and windows, which means that you end up spending more than necessary to heat or cool your home. 

Proper insulation helps keep temperatures at ideal levels for longer periods of time, reducing the amount of energy wasted in heating and cooling. 

By insulating and sealing your home, you can help prevent drafts – warm air from escaping in winter and cool air from escaping in summer – thus making your home comfortable and reducing the load on your HVAC system. 

In addition, insulating your home reduces long-term costs by protecting it against moisture buildup and other deterioration caused by temperature and humidity variation. 

Overall, insulating your home properly can bring significant eco-friendly benefits while also significantly lowering utility costs.

10. Seal Gaps Around Doors and Windows

Sealing gaps around doors and windows is an inexpensive way to improve the eco-friendliness of your home. 

Not only will it help seal cold drafts that lead to higher energy usage in winter and cooling costs in summer, but sealing gaps also reduce the amount of outside air infiltrating a home and increases indoor air quality. 

According to experts, effective weatherization can reduce a household’s total energy use by up to 25%, resulting in increased comfort and cost savings. 

Additionally, sealants are cost-effective, easy to use, widely available, and revolutionary as they can be applied safely indoors as well as outdoors. 

Sealing gaps around doors and windows help protect our planet while providing environmentally-friendly benefits for today’s modern homeowner!


Paper & Plastic-Reduce-Reuse-Recycle

Paper & Plastic: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Every year, Americans waste 1 billion trees worth of paper, with each person using about 680 pounds

However, the principal bad guy in our quest to preserve our planet is plastic. 

Plastic harms people and other animals by emitting harmful and toxic chemicals into the atmosphere. 

It can take hundreds of years for a piece of plastic to biodegrade. 

Every year, we produce over 300 million tons of trash on earth; half are single-use items. 

This number has been growing steadily and must be addressed if the environment is going to survive intact. 

Reducing your carbon footprint begins at home by eliminating unnecessary paper and single-use plastics from your daily life, at work, and around your house

11. Buy a Water Filter Instead of Bottled Water

Single-use plastic water bottles are incredibly wasteful and have a significant environmental impact. 

Did you know that only PET-specific water bottles can be recycled? 

All others are thrown from the recycling bin to the standard trash can. 

Only 1 in 5 plastic water bottles is recycled. 

On top of the waste from the actual bottle, it takes about 3 liters of water to fill a 1-liter bottle, causing more waste than drinkable water.

Nix the single-use water bottle habit and buy a water filter with reusable water bottles and containers. 

As part of your standard refrigerator, built into the piping or attached to your faucet, water filters work to filter out clean, drinking water. 

Needing to be replaced every couple of months depending on usage, this option is environmentally friendly, low-cost, and low-maintenance.

12. Use Fewer Paper Towels

You don’t have to give up paper towels completely, but it’s best to use them sparingly. 

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) compared the seven most common methods for drying hands and found that using paper towels generates 70 percent more carbon emissions than cold air-driven hand dryers. 

Of course, you probably don’t have a hand dryer at home, but even using a cotton towel is 48 percent more eco-friendly than drying off with a paper towel.

Instead of purchasing a dozen rolls of paper towels when you are ready to do your spring cleaning, cut up an old t-shirt and use that as a rag instead. 

You were going to toss it out anyway, why not save some money and the planet at the same time? 

Collect all of your used rags in a basket together and wash them all at the same time. 

Use, re-use and repeat!

13. Use Eco-Friendly Toilet Paper

The average American uses over 140 rolls of toilet paper each year. 

Multiply that by a family of 5, and you’re quickly closing in on 1,000 rolls of toilet paper per home. 

Standard toilet paper is most commonly made from softwood pulp taken directly from the trees throughout our forests. 

Aside from the material, producing a single roll of toilet paper requires 37 gallons of water and electricity to run the whole production. 

Often, harsh chemicals like chlorine are added to toilet paper making it harmful to our bodies and the environment.

Switching to eco-friendly toilet paper reduces the strain on the forests, decreases the amount of water used, and focuses on sustainable operations to produce toilet paper at a lower carbon footprint. 

The next time you grab a roll, switch it out with the eco-friendly counterpart. The cost difference is not noticeable.

14. Use Reusable Grocery Bags

Americans use nearly 100 billion plastic bags each year.

Most stores offer a canvas bag alternative to their wasteful generic plastic and paper bags. 

Although a canvas bags might cost a small amount to acquire, they are actually much more useful than you might think. 

A canvas bag is sturdier than a traditional plastic or paper bag and can hold more goods. 

It can also be used to store items or pack items when moving – making it useful in more than one way. 

Even if you don’t use canvas bags, reusing plastic bags is a great way to live more eco-friendly. 

Just use your plastic bags in small garbage cans throughout your home, or recycle your used grocery bag! 

Every small change can make a difference.

15. Go Paperless & Pay Bills Online

Switching to paperless billing lowers the odds of losing bills in the mail and getting the electricity cut off right before your movie marathon. 

Plus, many billers offer a discount for going paperless because it saves them money on stamps and printing—it also cuts down on paper, which cuts down on the number of trees killed. 

If your biller doesn’t offer a paperless option, petition them to do so!

If you do use paper, remember to recycle. 

More than 40 percent of municipal solid waste is paper and paper products. 

It takes less energy to create paper through recycled and used sheets than by creating ‘virgin’ paper. 


Food-Best Practices for Eating Sustainably

Food: Best Practices for Eating Sustainably

Over 108 billion pounds of food are wasted each year in the United States. 

That equates to almost 40% of all food in the entire country. 

With food waste becoming a standard normal throughout homes and restaurants, it’s time to take a stand against food waste and choose more sustainable eating practices in your daily life.

16. Start Recycling and Composting

If you own a recycle bin, you’ll be more conscious of recycling glass bottles, jars, paper, and other recyclables. 

Make sure to provide trash and recycling bins in more rooms than just the kitchen so that waste disposal is as simple as possible. 

Because the recycling container is too far away from home offices and bathrooms, many reusable materials are thrown out unnecessarily. 

A compost bin can help you get rid of leftovers while also providing free fertilizer for the plants in your garden. 

These days compost bins are designed to be neat, tidy, and odor-free. 

Did you know that 50 percent of rubbish generated by homes consists of food scraps? 

When these scraps of food go to the dump, they serve no purpose. 

With a compost bin, you can repurpose extra food to ensure that it doesn’t completely go to waste.

Most outdoor composters cost between $100 and $600, depending on how large and secure they are. 

To avoid attracting pests, make sure to get one with a tight-fitting lid and a secure hatch at the bottom for removing fertilizer when it’s ready to be put to work.

17. Eat Less Meat

Believe it or not, cutting back on your consumption of meat can make a huge difference in the environment. 

More than 30 percent of the Earth’s surface is being used to raise and support livestock. 

According to a United Nations study: 

“The livestock sector accounts for 9 percent of CO2 deriving from human-related activities, but produces a much larger share of even more harmful greenhouse gases. It generates 65 percent of human-related nitrous oxide, which has 296 times the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of CO2.” 

Cutting back on your meat consumption is an important step in reducing the overall emission of greenhouse gases. 

Less livestock also means more land we can enjoy and use for recreation. 

Consider replacing some of your meat-heavy meals with vegetables or eating more seafood!

18. Grow Your Own Veggies

If you want to take your eco-friendly eating habits one step further, you can use your backyard space to start growing your own produce.  

“By growing your own food, you eliminate the emissions that come from the transportation of goods to your local markets and mass grocery stores,” Arcadia Power advises.

When you buy items from stores, they have typically traveled 1,500+ miles before being consumed. 

Not only does this have an impact on the freshness and flavor of the food, but it also leads to the emission of carbon dioxide and waste into the atmosphere via different transportation methods. 

By growing your own food, you’re helping to reduce the burning of fossil fuels and the number of pesticides used by commercial farmers that pollute our environment. 

Furthermore, you minimize packaging materials such as plastics and cardboard that go hundreds or thousands of miles on their journey toward landfills when compared to individual farming

19. Have Groceries Delivered

As grocery delivery services become more popular than ever due to the onset of the pandemic, we are glad to say that this option is best for the planet. 

Instead of going back and forth to the store whenever you need something, consider scheduling grocery deliveries on a weekly or monthly basis.

Benefits include in-app-only savings, doorstep delivery, the ability to peruse the aisles on your phone, and notifications when an item is out of stock with suggested substitutions.

The only minor drawbacks are that some grocery store delivery services charge a fee per delivery. In contrast, others require a monthly delivery fee membership, even if you don’t use the app. 



Water-Waste Not-Want Not

Water: Waste Not, Want Not

Drought is a leading effect of climate change and affects more people than ever throughout the world, especially in the western United States. 

Faced with drought conditions earlier and earlier each year, states like California are looking at ways to reduce their water footprint and overall consumption in a big way- something we should all take note of.

Although drought is a natural hazard, the way we are handling water consumption does not afford us the means to prepare and provide for ourselves when droughts hit. 

Learning how to reduce our water waste and overall footprint can significantly impact the world’s water supply. 

20. Take Shorter Showers

The average shower is approximately 8 minutes. 

A 10-minute shower uses roughly 25 gallons of water, while a 20-minute one accounts for nearly 50 gallons.

The average person in the U.S. uses 25,300 gallons of water a year (69.3 gallons daily).

You can help reduce the waste of this precious resource by making simple changes in your daily routine. 

An average shower uses about 5 gallons of water per minute.  

Shortening your shower by a minute or two can save up to 150 gallons of water per month

You can further reduce your water consumption by turning the water off while soaping.

And if you keep your shower under five minutes total, you can save up to 1,000 gallons yearly.

21. Fix Leaking Toilets and Faucets

Leaking toilets and faucets may not seem like a big deal, but they can waste a lot of water. 

According to EPA.gov, 10 percent of homes have leaks that can waste up to 90 gallons or more of water per day, and the average household’s leaks can account for more than 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year. 

For more sustainable living, these leaks need to be repaired. 

Pay attention to any dripping noises you might hear around the house. 

And, pay close attention to your water bill. 

An unexplainable spike in your monthly statement can be a sign of a leak.

If you notice a leak, you’ll need to call a plumber to assess the situation. 

If left untreated, the fixture may need to be replaced or your pipes may need to be fixed. 

This will cost you much more in the long run. 

It’s especially important to stay vigilant if you plan to sell your home, plumbing is part of every standard home inspection. 

If there are leaks, it may signal to potential buyers that you haven’t been maintaining the home.

22. Install Low-Flow Shower Head(s)

Investing a low-flow showerhead will not only help you conserve water but can significantly lower your monthly water bill.

Showerheads that are older release around five gallons of water per minute, which adds up fast when several people are taking showers in the home. 

WaterSense® labeled low-flow showerheads use less than two gallons every minute to save more water and money on your utility bills.

According to EPA.gov, showering accounts for nearly 17 percent of residential indoor water use for the average family. 

If your current shower head takes 20 seconds or longer to fill a one-gallon bucket, replace it with a WaterSense® certified model.

WaterSense-certified shower heads can save the average family 2,700 gallons every year. 

Since these water savings will lower energy use, they will also reduce electricity costs. 

In fact, each household may save more than 330 kilowatt hours of power annually by installing WaterSense-labeled shower heads at home. 

We could prevent over $2 billion in water-heating expenditures and almost 260 billion gallons of water yearly on a national scale if all homes in the US had WaterSense-labeled shower heads installed. 

Furthermore, we might avoid around $2.5 billion in annual energy expenses for heating water.

23 Install Low-Flow Toilet(s)

According to the EPA, toilets account for almost 30 percent of the average household’s indoor water usage. 

One easy way to slash this number is by upgrading an older toilet model to an EPA-certified WaterSense model. 

Nationwide estimates that the eco-friendly models can save as much as 13,000 gallons of water per year, plus slash water bills by $90.

Toilets are by far the main source of water use in the home, accounting for nearly 30 percent of an average home’s indoor water consumption. 

Older toilets use as much as six gallons per flush, while newer, more efficient toilets use about one gallon or less. 

You can reduce the water used for toilets and money spent on your water bill by replacing old toilets with newer water-efficient models. 

24. Water Your Garden With “Greywater”

Greywater is the water that comes out of showers, baths, sinks, and washing machines. 

It’s distinct from black water (what gets flushed down the toilet) because it can be reused for a variety of purposes including watering houseplants or landscaping. 

Greywater has several applications; it may even be used to irrigate plants or flush toilets. 

The issue is that modern plumbing does not distinguish between them; rather they are combined as sewage. 

As a result, unless we divert or capture it manually, greywater will essentially convert into black wastewater until it undergoes treatment in municipal facilities.

Assuming we are not using harsh cleaning or laundry products, including chlorine and bleach in the laundry or bathroom, a greywater system can be an effective method of reusing this used water to water trees or other landscape plants. 

25. Collect Rainwater

One night of rain can dump 300 gallons of water on the roof of your house, much of which flows into the street, collecting street pollutants like oil, fertilizer, cigarette butts, and animal waste. 

The runoff ends up in your city’s stormwater collection system, which dumps into public waterways. 

Rainwater harvesting is collecting the run-off from a structure or other impervious surface in order to store it for later use. 

Traditionally, this involves harvesting the rain from a roof. 

The rain will collect in gutters that channel the water into downspouts and then into some sort of storage vessel. 

Rainwater collection systems can be as simple as collecting rain in a rain barrel or as elaborate as harvesting rainwater into large cisterns to supply your entire household’s demand.

To install a rainwater collection system, consider hiring a professional to clip your gutters and redirect them to pour into the barrel. 

You can attach a hose to the barrel, or you can simply use a watering can to move the water from the barrel to your plants or garden. 

This can have a positive impact on sustainable living and conserving water outdoors. 

Read more at: https://www.watercache.com/education/rainwater-harvesting-101 



Lifestyle-Adopt Sustainable Living Practices

Lifestyle: Adopt Sustainable Living Practices

26. Use Organic Cleaning Products

Household cleaning supplies are jam-packed with the most powerful bacteria killers in existence.

These products are expertly engineered to completely annihilate just about every organism they come into contact with. 

Unsurprisingly, these man-made poisons aren’t great for the environment, and many have toxic effects on animal and plant life once they enter our waterways via sewer systems.

Organic cleaning products use environmentally-friendly ingredients that reduce toxicity. 

Green-certified products are held to stringent green cleaning standards by third-party organizations. 

One caveat with organic cleaning products is that they’re often more expensive. 

As an alternative, you can make your own cleaning products using items like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. 

Making your own products cuts down on packaging waste and reduces the release of household chemicals that can contribute to air and water pollution. 

27. Donate Clothes & Unused Items

Donate clothes and unused items, or have a garage sale rather than tossing your unwanted goods in the trash. 

Throwing something away should always be your last resort. 

Try first to give it a new home, donate it to an organization or school (think tax write-off!), or sell it in a yard sale, online ad, or consignment shop.

28. Borrow Instead of Buying

It’s easy to waste money on things that you can easily borrow. 

Rent movies, borrow books from libraries, and buy secondhand goods when at all possible. 

By purchasing and using pre-owned items, you reduce the items that will end up in a landfill and save yourself money. 

Living green doesn’t mean you have to settle for less, many items that you find in a used-goods store are just as good as the original. 

Before any big purchase, think: How often will I really use this ladder/leaf blower/wheelbarrow? 

If the answer is “not a lot,” it’s easy to borrow stuff (especially if you like making “thank you” cookies). 

There are a number of apps that help people borrow or rent whatever they might need. 

  1. MOOCH App
  2. The Good Neighbor App


Emissions-Lower Your Carbon Footprint

Emissions: Lower Your Carbon Footprint

29% of all carbon emissions come from transportation in the United States. 

With a reduction in the use of fossil fuels and standard gas-powered vehicles, we can reduce our carbon footprint astronomically.

This will make the world a cleaner, better place for the future of our children and grandchildren. 

29. Start Biking or Walking to Work

If you find yourself stuck in the daily morning commute 5-6 days a week hoping for a more effortless and more exhilarating experience, we may just have one for you that saves the planet, too.

Consider hanging up your car keys and strapping on your bike helmet or lacing up your tennis shoes to head to work a different way. 

Make this change a few times a week. 

Not only will this help reduce carbon emissions, but you will also reap the benefits of regular exercise and feel more awake throughout your workday.

Although this option provides many benefits, we understand that this option is not feasible for everyone depending on location and outside weather conditions. 

30. Check the Tire Pressure on Your Car

Ensuring your car’s tires are adequately inflated will help with overall fuel efficiency. 

Most cars come with digital read options that you can view as you drive. 

If yours doesn’t, use a manual tire pressure reader and fill up any low tire promptly. 

Under-inflated tires can reduce gas mileage by about 0.2% for every psi it is under.

31. Work Remotely / Work From Home

Since the onset of the pandemic, working from home has been the new normal for most of the world. 

Working remotely is also an excellent long-term option to help the planet thrive by reducing daily commutes and carbon dioxide emissions. 

On average, a person could save as much as $5000 a year working from home, which is a great benefit for your bottom line.  


Wrapping Up Our List of 31 Eco-Friendly Home Tips

Wrapping Up Our List of 31 Eco-Friendly Home Tips

So there you have it, some easy eco-friendly home tips to help get you started on your journey to sustainable living. 

If going completely green seems like too much all at once, start small and work your way up. 

Every little bit helps! 

And if you’re looking for an energy-efficient or LEED-certified home in the Fort Worth, TX area, we can help with that.

Helen Painter’s realtors have been serving buyers and sellers throughout DFW since 1958! 

To speak with an agent give us a call or feel free to contact us here.